Index Parent

Urltext class

The Urltext class is used to show a simple text object that is highlighted when the mouse is over it and that opens an url via OpenURL if clicked.


Note that Urltext class is a subclass of Area and not of Text class; it means that the contents of an Urltext object is pure ascii and not MUI text.


Name Type Class Note
Active B G It's 1 if openurl.library was found and so the object may be clicked, 0 otherwise
DoOpenURL B I If set to 1 (default), the url is reached when the user clicks the object.
If set to 0, nothing happens when the user clicks the object.
DoVisitedPen B I When the object is clicked with success, which means OpenURL was able to find a client for that url, the text is rendered in MUI Mark color. Default 0
FallBack B ISGN If openurl.library is not installed in the system and FallBack is 1, the object is still active (but of course clicking on it does procure no action), if FallBack is 0 the object is rendered with MUI Text pen. Default 1
SetMax I I If set to 1 (default), the object is x-limited.
If set to 0, the object is x-unlimited.
Text S IG The text to show. If not supplied or empty, Url is used
Underline B ISGN Underline the text. Default 1
Url S IGN IND The url to open. Note that it must be supplied and that its is notified everytime the mouse is over the object
Visited B GN Set to 1 and notified, when the user clicks the object for the first time.


Name Parameters Note
OpenURL   Opens the url as the object was clicked